News from Horwich NSC

January 2022

We welcome you to the new year, one which is very special to us. This is our centenary year of owning the land and building we call our home. There will be a series of events across the year in honour of this celebration, and we look forward to welcoming you to join us.

August 2021

We are delighted to confirm we will start to reintroduce our Open Circles from September. Mondays will be the first Monday of the month at 9pm. Sundays will be the third Sunday of the month at 8pm.

July 2021

Social distancing, including the use of Face-mask’s is no longer a legal requirement in order to enter a place of worship. We want all friends and visitors to feel comfortable, and we respect people will have different approaches to the return of these conditions. We ask all guests to respect the space of others and their use or otherwise of masks and visors. Our Sunday Divine Service with Healing and Monday Mediumship services remain our only regular services until further notice.

May 2021

From 31st May 2021, we will now be open for 1) Our Sun 630pm day Divine Service with Healing and our Monday 730pm Mediumship service. Social distancing remains in place at this point.

March 2021

Horwich NSC has reopened for our Sunday 630pm Divine Service with Healing. This is the first step towards our (hopefully) full reopening int he coming months. Hurrah!

January 2021

When the latest lock down was announced, the committee put in a plan to review the situation and decide how that may affect what we do. In considering all information to hand, the committee have decided that we will close for the duration of the national lock down. This is not a decision that has been taken lightly, and is influenced by a number of factors.

When the lock down is lifted from its current state, we will review our offering once more.

We know friends are part of Horwich NSC for varied reasons. We’ve missed seeing many of you over the last 10 months, and for those who have continued to join us, we know our closure will be unwelcome, but hopefully understandable. We will continue to offer weekly absent healing each Sunday. You can drop us an email or contact us on our social media if you want any names on the healing list.

If you want to talk or interact, drop us an email, or a note on social media. Times are tough, and where we can, were happy to email or chat, and hopefully help bring some normality.

Our social media channels and website will be regularly updated with the latest info on what we are doing and when. We’ll also look to share info on what churches are hosting services online, should you be interested in joining those. We have no current plans to run our own online services.

We already feel very lucky to have a passionate and supportive group of friends, with some lovely offers of support in recent weeks and months. We’re very grateful. Some points of note for you guys…

Membership – Details on how you can renew or become a member are detailed at For the sum of £6, membership helps us in many ways, building a base for now, and helping to secure our future. Current member renewals are now due, and new membership is open. For new members, the membership form on our website needs to be completed and sent to us, either at out postal or email address.

Annual General Meeting – This is scheduled for March. We will be reviewing the implications of the current lock down and updating members what will be happening with our AGM in due course. Qualifying members can stand for positions within the committee, so please drop us a note if you are interested, and would like a chat.

Donations – Whether because you’ve not been able to visit for a while, you won’t be able to visit for a while, or you just want to, there are a number of ways to donate. If you are such a person, please visit to find out how. The gift aid eligible donations are particularly welcome, as we get the additional 25%. Especially in these uncertain times, we appreciate that not everyone can donate. We encourage you to ensure that you are OK before considering us, and we also welcome you donating to other charities and causes to help a society in need. Whilst we are not rich, we are not poor. We continue to have bills to pay, so any donation helps.

Thanks for taking the time to read this note. Keep strong, keep focused, and we’ll look forward to seeing you in better times

Chris, Janet, Stuart, Donna, John, Les & Marion – Horwich NSC Committee

December 2020 – Short term plans

In terms of services and events, 2020 has been a very disturbed year. Places of Worship are currently able to open, and at Horwich NSC we continue to host just one service per week, our Sunday Divine Service with Healing. In the new year we are looking at gradually getting back to ‘normal’. In January we are looking to reintroduce out popular Sunday Open Circle at 8pm. For the short term, the invitation to attend will only be for those who have attended our Divine Service earlier in the evening. This will help the committee manage the social distancing required. We have plans for reintroducing other services as the world changes for the better in the coming months.

July 2020 – Horwich NSC Reopening

The team at Horwich NSC are delighted to confirm we will gradually start to reopen following 4 long months of closure. We will begin in August 2020 with a weekly service on a Sunday at 630pm as can be seen on our Services and Events page. We are planning on introducing more services and events from September, with updates to follow here and on our social media.

Winter 2019

Autumn 2019